Don't spread panic, spread good habits

Wearing a mask
MYTH: Wearing a mask is the first line of defence against the Coronavirus.
FACT: Coronavirus spreads through touch. Washing hands frequently with soap & water is recommended.
eating garlic protects you from the Coronavirus
MYTH: Stock up on garlic because eating garlic protects you from the Coronavirus.
FACT: There is no evidence that eating garlic will protect you from the Coronavirus.
vaccine protects you from the Coronavirus
MYTH: Get a pneumonia vaccine because it protects you from the Coronavirus.
FACT: No. Researchers are working on a vaccine for this unique virus.
coronavirus doesn't survive long on objects
MYTH: It's unsafe to receive packages from China.
FACT: Coronavirus doesn't survive long on objects such as letters or package, so it is safe to receive packages from China.
asset 2
FACT:W.H.O recommends washing hands with soap as an effective way to fight the Coronavirus.Use the soap that's nearest to you, be it Lifebuoy, Safeguard, Dettol or Lux.

Please follow additional guidelines recommended by health authorities like WHO & CDC / local health authorities.


FACT:W.H.O recommends washing hands with soap as an effective way to fight the Coronavirus.Use the soap that's nearest to you, be it Lifebuoy, Safeguard, Dettol or Lux.

Please follow additional guidelines recommended by health authorities like WHO & CDC / local health authorities.

Stay informed with live updates on the #coronavirus as infections are reported